Monday, October 31, 2011

Company to Specialize in Repairing Wind Turbine Gears

With the wind industry expanding across the country so will the need to repair gearboxes inside turbines.

A new company in Mukwonago, Gearbox Express has been formed to specialize in wind turbine gearbox replacement.

Currently the company is retrofitting a 43,000 square foot warehouse and expects to be operational by next year. The company has raised $1.8 million from investors and has been aided with a $1.8 million Small Business Administration loan along with a $3.4 million loan from the state of Wisconsin.

It is expected that Gearbox Express will create 100 jobs for the city of Mukwonago in a three year period.

Bruce Neumiller, the company's CEO said, "The firm will try to crave out a niche by having gearboxes ready to exchange and install at the same time the old gearbox is removed. That should result in cost savings for wind farm operator, who would need to bring in a crane only once rather than twice."

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